The 16th Investment and Financing Expo of 2015 (Shanghai)

Tel: 021-34970602;Fax:021-34970602;;Official website of the



The 16th Investment and Financing Expo of 2015 (ShanghAI)

October 16-18, 2015

Shanghai Everbright Convention & ExhIBition Center (No. 88, Caobao Road of Shanghai)


Shanghai Investment and Financing Expo will be a grand gathering to display the investment and financing projects in the summer of 2015 as well as a tailored platform for the investment and financing organizations to show the corporate image, increase the brand influence, promote the financing products and expand the mARket share. In recent years, Internet has been impacting traditional industries with unprecedented shock waves. The Internet Finance in 2015 is rising rapidly, which is referred to as the era of Internet Finance. The next decade will become a Golden time for China’s Internet Finance. This Expo will further satisfy the all-round and professional investment and financing demands of the investors, and become the bridge for the comprehensive communication and deep cooperation between the investment and financing organizations and the investors. In last Expo, the mainstream media covered the Expo actively, and 30,000 investors participated in the event and forged a strong atmosphere of investment negotiation, creating the unprecedented wave of investment and financing in China.

◆Introduction to the Expo:

Arrangement time: October 14-15, 2015

Expo time: October 16-18, 2015

Expo location: Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center (No. 88, Caobao Road of Shanghai)

Host: Shanghai Qishun Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

Official website of the Expo: (never-ending online exhibition hall)

Organizer: Shanghai Qishun Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.

Official WeChat: sh-jinrong

Co-organizer: Korea Fohun Commercial Joint-stock Company

◆ Expo Advantages:

  1. The Expo will be held at a good time and location, with a lot of wonderful activities during the Expo period, being a grand feast of investment and financing.
  2. All-dimensional publicity through the multimedia will be used to reflect the shocking publicity effect. Internet and the traditional mainstream media will work together, with the great supports from the traditional media as well as the help from the new media.
  3. The practice will be standardized and professional. The sponsor of the Expo has rich experience in exhibition operation, and professional and advanced methods for inviting exhibition and inviting investment.
  4. A completely new service concept will be applied in the Expo to provide exhibitors and investors with services of best quality.
  5. The Expo is supposed to become a professional investment and financing exhibition with the biggest scale and influence in East China as well as the whole China.

◇ Exhibition Contents:

  1. Third party payment, P2P Internet Loan, mass financing, online financial product sales, network banking
  2. Financial planning: the domestic and foreign banks, domestic and foreign insurance companies, security companies, fund companies, trust and investment companies and futures companies providing financing products like the housing loan, auto loan, education loan, consumption loan, travel loan, mortgage loan, personal start-up loan, credit card, Forex Kit, investment gold, personal financing service, life insurance, accident insurance, medical insurance, participating insurance, auto insurance, family property insurance.
  3. Financial investment: stock, fund, government loan, enterprise bond, futures, trust investment products, participating insurance, foreign exchange and so on; investment-oriented apartment, shop, villa, office building, property hotel, featured commercial street, specialized market, and property consultation;
  4. Service fortune: consultation and service organizations for the financial and investment, financing software, financing trainings, legal consultation organizations, financial equipments, financing media and tools;
  5. Entrepreneurial wealth: investment and entrepreneurship projects, franchise chain, educational investment organizations, venture investment organizations, industrial and commercial tax consultation;
  6. Comprehensive: family investment and financing planning, life financing plan, insurance service planning, personal investment and financing consultation;

◇Participation fee

1.Standard booth fee 9㎡(3m*3m) 2.Indoor light booth fee
Minimum 36 square meters

1. Standard booth facilities: exhibition area, 2.5-meter high board, a fascia board in both Chinese and English, one table, two chairs, 220V PoWer socket, two spotlights

2. Indoor light booth has no facility.

D E F Area

13800 yuan

2500 USD (foreign exhibitor)

1280 yuan per square meter

180 USD per square meter

G Area

12800 yuan

2300 USD (foreign exhibitor)

1180 yuan per square meter 160 USD per square meter

◇Expo magazine advertisement:

Front cover:30000 yuan Back cover:16000 yuan Inside Front Cover:12000 yuan Inside Back Cover:10000 yuan
Flyleaf:12000 yuan Color sheet:5000 yuan Black sheet:3000 yuan Balloon:5000 yuan
Arch:8000 yuan Catalogue list:500 yuan Handbag:30000 yuan/10000 bags Billboard:20000 yuan
Admission ticket:30000Yuan/50,000copies Full text page:2000yuan Half text:1000Yuan

Note: Tickets thirty thousand from printing(70mm x 210mm)

◆How to sponsor?

The organizer will invite competent companies to sponsor the exhibition. There are three ways to sponsor the exhibition, namely diamond, gold and silver, which will enjoy special treatment provided by the organizer respectively (details are provided upon request.).

◆Services provided for exhibitors:

  1. Forum and lecture: display various financing products in modern finance, promote people’s investment awareness, spread the scientific concept of financing, satisfy people’s needs for financing products and professional financing services, and provide a win-win solution to both companies and people in investment and financing.
  2. Companies applied for exhibition shall enjoy the priority to promote their exhibition projects in the organizer’s website.
  3. Based on the review, comment and vote on the exhibition projects, the organizer will select the most welcome project, award the medal and certificate to the relevant company, and invite media to cover the event.

◆Details for exhibition

  1. Fill in the application form, and mail or fax it to the organizer.
  2. The distribution principle of the booth order is “first application, first payment, first arrangement”, and the booth with double openings requires 20% additional charge.
  3. The exhibition fee shall be transferred to the organizer via bank or in person by the company within 4 days since the application in order to reserve the booth. If the fee is transferred via bank, please fax the remittance proof to the organizer, and an invoice will be issued accordingly upon the receipt of the exhibition fee.
  4. After the organizer receives the exhibition application and fee, Exhibitors Manual shall be posted to the exhibitors before June 1, 2015.

◆How to participate?

If any company wishes to register for the Expo, please fill in the application form and contract, stamp it with seal and send it back to Shanghai Qishun Exhibition Service Co., Ltd via fax or by post.

Address: Room 512, No. 1 Building, Fukesi Commercial Plaza, No.89, Huguang East Road, Minhang District, Shanghai

Zip code:201108

Tel: 021-34970602


Official website of the 

QQ: 2048411061

Contact person: Qin Zheng +86 13585528782


上一篇 2015-07-16 00:46
下一篇 2015-07-17 10:32


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